New London Plan Evacuation Lift Guidance – Policy D5 (B5)
Having had quite a few questions recently on this subject we have produced this post
London Plan Enforced 2nd March 2021
London Plan that will dictate how London is developed over the up-and-coming years which came into force on the 2nd March 2021.
Regarding Lifts in the New London Plan
Regarding lifts in the new London Plan, policy D5 requires that a minimum of one evacuation lift per core, more lifts may be required dependent on capacity assessments. These lifts are required to be installed to provide the safe and dignified emergency evacuation of all people who require level access from a building.
Draft evacuation lift guidance
There is a draft evacuation lift guidance to support this new London Plan – Policy D5 (B5) for Evacuation Lifts. Described as “pre-consultation draft” the content of which is to be consulted in due course. The draft guidance includes a reference for evacuation lifts to standards “BS EN 81-76 when published. BS 9991, BS 9999. This identifies that there is currently no BS EN 81-76 but that a future BS EN 81-76 could be used. In the meantime, reference should be made to BS 9991 and BS 9999.
Evacuation lifts and British Standards
A draft copy of EN 81-76; (Evacuation of persons with disabilities using lifts) was released for public comment in late 2019 and is now up for comment resolution scheduled by 14/12/21. prEN 81-76 is not a standard and cannot be referenced as if it were a published standard.
Note: DD CEN/TS 81-76:2011 is not a standard and as detailed in its National Foreword, did not supersede the evacuation lift described in BS 9999.
Figure 1: London Plan Policy D5 (B5) Evacuation lift checklist

There will be significant changes and there is no certainty of a future BS EN 81-76 as the work must go through a further public inquiry and then a formal vote.
Any future BS EN 81-76 would define the requirements for an evacuation lift. Integration of evacuation lifts into buildings is dependant on many factors of building design, evacuation, and building strategy which are included in standards such as BS 9991 (fire safety of residential buildings), BS 9999 (fire safety of buildings), and guidance to Building Regulations.
Building Regulations Approved Document B and British Standards reference the evacuation lift in BS 9999:2017, Annex G which defines an evacuation lift as a
“lift used as part of the evacuation sequence for persons with disability and persons requiring assistance, which has appropriate structural, electrical and fire protection and is capable of being taken under control by a trained and authorised person”.
In summary
Until these standards and guidance change, the specification of evacuation lifts should continue to follow the recommendations in BS 9991 and BS 9999.
ikonic lifts will keep you updated as this develops with the latest information. If you would like any further information or advice, contact our team who will be happy to consult with you.