iKONIC Lifts Recertified For Schedule 18. Passes With Flying Colours
iKONIC Lifts Recertified for Schedule 18 for yet a further 3 years! Schedule 18 has superseded the previously called Annex 11, which was updated In January this year due to exciting Europe as part of Brexit. iKONIC Lifts has been assessed by Lift Cert Limited in respect of our Quality Management Systems and found us to comply with:
The Lift Regulations 2016-Schedule 18
Certification Scope:
Design, supply, installation, and final test of lifts
This enables iKONIC Lifts to design, supply, install and test passenger lifts in the UK and apply a UKCA Mark to our products.
Schedule 18 Certifications also means iKONIC Lifts hold full quality assurance for the design & Installation of bespoke lifts. This includes low pits & headrooms and allows us to be more independent in selecting the very best components and equipment available today to provide truly tailored lift packages offering the correct fit, form, and function of our client’s requirements.
iKONIC Lifts are also an ISO:9001. ISO:14001 & O.H.S.A.S:45001 accredited company!
Paul Hastings Commented:
“iKONIC Lifts have shown that we can continue to provide good quality bespoke lift installations, that comply to all relevant standards safely”